Nusa Penida
Have you ever seen a diamond in the sea?
Lesser known than T-Rex beach in the West, the beautiful East Penida on Nusa Penida Island provides a more relaxed experience. A 20-minute cruise across the calm brings you to the harbour on the east coast of the island. A drive then takes you to the tip of the island to witness two amazing locations: Diamond Beach and the Thousand Islands Ocean View. Simply breathtaking and definitely worth a trip while visiting Bali.
Hold on….
There have been a few other issues in the media recently, namely the new/old criminal law of Indonesia. Officials previously said that the code, which bans adultery, cohabitation before marriage and apostasy, would also apply to foreign residents and tourists.
However, the Bali Governor Wayan Koster announced that this law will not affect international tourists: “Based on the provisions of the new Indonesian criminal code, visitors who visit or live in Bali would not need to worry.” There would be “no checks on marital statuses at tourist accommodations like hotels, villas, guest houses or spas, or inspections by public officials or community groups.”
He also said that “Bali is (business) as usual – comfortable and safe to visit. We look forward to welcoming visitors with our Balinese hospitality and advise all parties not to deliver misleading statements regarding the Indonesian criminal code that might disrupt Bali tourism.”
We conclude that the new restrictions won’t have an impact on visitors to Bali. But the reality on the ground continues to be a huge concern for Indonesians.