Traditional Celebration
Our colleagues in Bali will move into a new office this month in the south of Denpasar which offers approximately 600 square meters for 45 team members.
For this inauguration, two traditional ceremonies have taken place:
Melaspas Ceremony
The word “Melaspas” comes from the Balinese words Melas, the separator, and Pas, meaning fitting. The ceremony is for all elements to live in a harmonious way – by elements we mean seen elements such as buildings, and also unseen elements like the surrounding spirits.
The cleaning and purifying ritual is mandatory for all new businesses but is a real treat for foreigners to experience. Each guest is dressed in the traditional, ideally white, Balinese outfit. The land owner, the business owner and employees offer prayers to receive blessings as part of the final ritual.
Mecaru Ceremony
This ritual is also called Butha Yadnya, to maintain a good relationship between humans and the environment. ‘Caru’ means beautiful or in harmony. For the ceremony people make an offering based on their ability. Pecaruan is a purification of Butha Kala so that all bad things can be eliminated and become holy again. The ritual is carried out at each house or building. The offering consists of five-coloured rice, chicken and “tetabuhan” arak. The main importance of the Mecaru ceremony is the human’s obligation to care for the environment.