Good news from the Indian subcontinent – for the first time in 19 months India is allowing tourists back into the country!
Starting from 15 October, India will grant tourist visas to foreign visitors arriving by chartered flights. Travellers arriving by regular flights will be allowed to enter the country from 15th November 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions were imposed and all visas granted to foreigners were suspended last year. The MHA has previously received numerous requests from State Governments and tourism stakeholders to re-start issuing tourist visas and to allow foreign tourists back to India.
After considering various inputs and after consulting the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, the Ministry of External Affairs as well as the Ministry of Civil Aviation, the MHA has finally decided to begin granting fresh tourist visas for foreigners coming to India, however “all due protocols and norms relating to Covid-19 as notified by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare shall be adhered to by the foreign tourists, carriers bringing them into India and all other stakeholders at landing stations”, the government said in an official release.
In 2019, India welcomed 10.6 million foreign tourists.
For tours and inspirations, perhaps in a combination with the Maldives, contact our office in New Delhi.