Rural Jeep Drive
Explore an unknown side of India during a rural jeep drive experience.
On this unique and authentic rural experience interact with people from different communities first hand, visit their dwellings, understand their lives, sample rural cuisine and witness other aspects of their day.
Experience an thrilling 4×4 drive as your driver navigates through cracked crevasses and the uneven challenges of a dry riverbed. Various species of birds and some antelope like black buck can be observed as part of the natural habitat.
Visit a small village with three different communities living there, and enter into the homes of a carpenter and a shepherd. The Bishnois are known for their conservation and preservation of the environment – this visit provides us with the rare insight into the lives of the world’s first environmentalists and the founders of the “Chipku” movement.
Inspite of being a desert void of fresh produce, the Thar is known for its delicacies, flavours and spices. Lunch comprises of vegetables grown in an organic garden, and cooked in a “smoked” wood village stove. In a rural kitchen learn how to craft Indian “chapatti” with your hands and of course, get to sample some.
To end the rural experience, witness an age old ceremony of camaraderie and friendship along with the village elders inside the home of a village chief.
Rural Jeep Drive is a full or half day excursion from Jodhpur.