

Escape to the Wild Side


While Singapore’s bustling cityscape and lush gardens offer a vibrant experience, a visit to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve provides a serene escape into nature’s wonders. Just a short drive from the city center, this large nature reserve is a refreshing break from urban life.

Sungei Buloh is Singapore’s first ASEAN Heritage Park, covering over 1,000 hectares of mangroves, mudflats and forests. It is a great spot for nature lovers who want to see the diverse wildlife in these wetlands.

The reserve has a network of boardwalks and observation hides that let you enjoy close-up views of plants and animals. Birdwatchers will especially enjoy spotting migratory birds like the White-bellied Sea Eagle and colourful kingfishers during their migration periods. Walk along the boardwalks to see unique plants and learn how mangroves protect coastlines and support marine life. The visitor centre has fun and educational displays for visitors of all ages.

Just a short distance from Sungei Buloh, Lorong Halus Wetlands is another great spot for nature enthusiasts. This area is known for its ecological importance and stunning scenery. The wetlands offer peaceful trails where you can explore the diverse plant life and spot local wildlife, including various bird species. The boardwalks here provide excellent views of the wetlands and are perfect for leisurely walks.

After exploring the serene beauty of these wetlands, you can return to Singapore’s vibrant city atmosphere or relax in its renowned gardens. Whether you are looking for a peaceful retreat or a nature-focused adventure, both Sungei Buloh and Lorong Halus Wetlands offer unique ways to experience Singapore’s natural charm.

Plan your visit to these natural wonders and discover a different side of Singapore!

All images credit to Singapore Tourism Board.

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