South Africa 2


Especially now!


South Africa offers a diverse mix of culture, scenic beauty and wildlife. From Big Five safaris to lazy days on unspoiled beaches, from exhilarating nightlife and adventure activities to empty wilderness and incredible landscapes, it’s no wonder that South Africa is sometimes called ‘The World in one Nation’. 

Because of Omicron, recent flight data released by Iata, international travel restrictions imposed on South Africa in late November caused a sudden decline in flights to and from the country. At that time, at least 90 countries imposed travel bans on flights from South Africa within two weeks.

But by 24th December bookings began slowly climbing again as several countries eased restrictions and countries such as the US, Malaysia, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands have recently lifted travel restrictions.

“More broadly, South Africa’s experience with Omicron points to the pandemic possibly becoming endemic, with a reduced impact on human activities as the virus continues to mutate. This would be good news for aviation in the medium term,” Iata said in a report.

Anyone can visit South Africa!

Entry requirements are subject to the usual visa regulations and not all borders are open yet. International arrivals must fly into Johannesburg, Durban or Cape Town within curfew hours and all travellers must complete a screening form within 48 hours of their trip to produce on their device at the airport. Upon arrival, travelers must present a paper copy of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of arrival. It must be signed by the person who took the test. (Please consider bringing a few copies, in case you need to hand them over at different check points.)

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