Uzbekistan's - Bespoke Flights
Uzbekistan's - Bespoke Flights


Bespoke Flying Adventures

Experience the enchanting vistas, historic landmarks and natural marvels of Uzbekistan from the serene vantage point of a hot air balloon. These delightful flights take place in the picturesque Parkent District, just a scenic 1.5-hour drive from the bustling city of Tashkent, amidst the charming village of Samsarak.

For those seeking an even more bespoke adventure, personalized flights can be arranged in any corner of the country, ensuring an unforgettable journey. Advance booking, approximately 1.5 to 2 weeks prior, is recommended to secure your spot in the skies above Uzbekistan’s breathtaking landscapes.

• Spring, summer, and autumn flights: Scheduled 2-3 hours after sunrise and 2-3 hours before sunset.
• Winter flights: Conducted during daylight hours, with temperatures ranging from -15°C to +30°C.
• Flight duration: 1 hour, accommodating up to 4 passengers per flight.

Uzbekistan's - Bespoke Flights
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